Monday 2 November 2009

Science - Part One

I have lost count the number of times I've been told that touch therapy has no scientific basis and that it is an affront on my part to practice it under the guise of physiotherapy - WOW! Arrogant or what! I try and keep my cool and answer in the only way I know how, with tact and decorum . There are, of course, many ways to answer these accusations and below is a precis :-

1. Yes, of course its nice to have everything research based and scientifically proven, if that is what you want, but do you seriously think that everything that is practiced in therapy and medicine is researched based - of course it isn't.

2. You cannot scientifically prove that which is, by definition, not scientifically based. It is only because we are living in a scientific age that it is assumed that everything should be.

3. All medicine, traditional and modern is empirical and the roots of original thought and pioneering were handed down from father to son. Each generation practiced with subtle changes with traditional trial and error until the whole of a particular philosophy made sense because it was demonstrably proved to work. [by working with humans - not animals!!!]

4. Quite frankly, I would rather be part of the traditional values of naturopathic medicine that puts emphasis on self healing using natural means and obeys the laws of cure rather than a system of medicine that suppresses symptoms with toxic drugs and other methodology.

5. Medicine has become far too hung up on cellular activity and has lost the wholeness of treating mind, body and spirit. Part two next time. Be well.

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