Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Copper and Zinc needles

In my book 'Acupuncture and the Chakra Energy System', I mention in the Appendices the use of copper and zinc needles as an alternative to stainless steel needles. I enumerate all the pros and cons of these wonderful non invasive needles. I have been asked on numerous occasions where they may be purchased. The only outlet I have in the U.K. is Harmony Medical - they will ship worldwide. The copper needles are called MP Needle P type and the zinc ones are MP Needle L type. There are 10 in each packet and seem rather expensive at £15 each packet, but they are reuseable and should last many years. They can be used in many different ways apart from the chakra energy system. The copper ones are magnificent in treating localized inflammation such as wounds and shingles (place the needles around the area) and the zinc ones are brilliant in the treatment of scar tissue. I couldn't do without them - likewise biomagnets, which I will mention another time.

If anyone has further queries about these needles - please ask.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for providing information on where to purchase these needles.

    Can you share how you steralize the needles for reuse?

    Thank you!
