Saturday 29 May 2010

Emotional Body Healing

As you have gathered, life has been very hectic here, what with dealing with the sudden explosion of grass and weeds, clinical work, book writing and generally messing about!! It is pleasing that several of you actually read this stuff and many thanks for all the favourable comments.

The Emotional Body in the aura ranges from approximately 4 inches to 12 inches (10 cms. to 30 cms.) above the physical body. The area of imbalance to be ascertained is therefore quite substantial. To assess energy imbalance, the body needs to be swept with long and very slow rhythmical sweeps with just the dominant hand. The imbalance will show itself as 'fizzing' or 'buzzing'. When you have found this point, keep the dominant hand quite still whilst the other hand is positioned at the exact same area of the coupled chakra. If, for instance the 'congestion' is found at nine o'clock region of the Throat chakra then the other hand is placed (in the emotional body) at nine o'clock in the Sacral chakra. Keep both hands in place for as long as you can before a 'sameness' sensation occurs under each. The fizzing or buzzing under the dominant hand will then go away and both hands will become warm and comfortable. Do NOT stimulate the area - the healing, at this level, has to be done with the hands perfectly still. It is very much more powerful than it may seem or feel. You client will often show a sigh or yawn to signify energy balance and the treatment coming to fruition. Next time - Mental Body

Sunday 16 May 2010

Etheric Body Treatment

Weather slightly better now!!

So, armed with the information you've gleaned with the etheric assessment, how do you start treatment withing the etheric body? There are basically two different ways.

1. If, on assessment, there was a 'hot spot' that indicated an acute condition, then all you need do is to keep the hand or finger directed exactly on the hot spot for as long as the sensation changes. Your hand will suddenly go cooler or the tissues appear to relax. The pain that the patient is feeling usually disperses.

2. If, on assessment, there was a coldness or 'fizzing', that indicated a chronic condition, place the 'doing' hand in the position as detailed above and give some gentle circular motions to try and 'stir' the etheric energy at that point. Once that has been done for a minute or so, place the other hand over the 'couple' of the first one. This is the most complicated part to do as it is so variable. If you are balancing a major chakra, then the couple will be the chakra couple. If you are not on an obvious chakra or acupoint then the coupled area will be either the exact same position on the opposite side of the body e.g. left elbow and right elbow OR the parallel area e.g. shoulder to hip, elbow to knee, hand to foot etc. The treatment is completed when the sensation under the hands feels the same. For more details -etheric healing is detailed in the 'Healing with the Chakra Energy System' book. Next time - Emotional body.

Monday 10 May 2010

Etheric assessment

Here is Skye it is 7 degrees and sleeting. I did manage to give the grass its first cut today but it is freezing cold - so much for global warming! Sorry about the lack of postings but life is very hectic at the moment, so I do what I can.

Before you even think about working off body, you need to do an assessment of what needs treating or balancing afterwards. There are many ways to do etheric scanning but the following is my method. Firstly you must have focus and intention and stand relaxed. Your patient can either be prone or supine - it doesn't matter (this is NOT reiki)! Remember you are feeling energy imbalances through and around the body at any given part. I always start at the feet and place the palm of my right hand about two inches (five centimetres) above the sole of foot. Dwell there for about half a minute to gauge the energy there and make first 'contact' (or should that be first non-contact?) then SLOWLY take the hand up the leg to the groin, the scan the other leg to the groin, then the individual organs to the shoulders, from the hands to the neck and finally the head. If they are lying supine and you want to assess the spine -just 'think spine' and not internal organ. It is ESSENTIAL that you know your anatomy!!! So, what do you feel? A myriad of things. Some areas will be hot, others cold, others will be like electric shocks or tingling. Cold sensation usually means a chronic long standing condition whilst hot means acute. The areas that require treatment are those places that feel different to the norm. The treatment (next blog) will differ depending on how you assess it. Why not try it out on your significant other , or the dog, or one of your plants!! Everything has life force.

I'm off to walk the dog with six layers of clothing on - JRC

Sunday 2 May 2010

Etheric Healing Part 1

I'm often asked about off body work on patients. Questions range from 'does it work?' and 'what is the point of doing it?' to 'am I insured to do it?' and 'am I good enough to do it?'. Today I'll spell out the whys and wherefores.

1. Anyone can learn to do off body 'healing'. Some folk are naturally more adept than others and just seem to have a gift. Like anything else though it takes time to learn and perfect.

2. It is NOT just a question of waving the arms in the air seeking divine guidance - nothing can be further from the truth. This aspect of healing is based upon strict protocol and is an art, just like hands on bodywork, that has to be learnt.

3. When you are working in contact with your client/patient, there is sometimes a kind of 'force that almost feels as if your hands are being repelled away from the body. If this occurs it is usually a sign that hands off work would be better for that particular patient.

4. ALWAYS tell your patient what you intend to do and obtain permission. Working away from the body can be more 'powerful' that hands on. Your patient should feels what you are doing and sometimes get certain aggravations following it so they must be warned.

5. I never usually perform any off body work with straight forward musculo-skeletal conditions. One golden rule to remember is that if there is an underlying mechanical misalignment, then no amount of working off body is going to address this - this requires your usual physical therapeutic skills.

6. I reserve off body work for non musculo-skeletal work, such as hormonal imbalance, chakra balancing, clearing viruses, strengthening internal organ energy and emotional imbalance.

7. There are different protocols for working with the physical etheric, etheric emotional, emotional and mental bodies. These have to be learnt, but please go to a reputable teacher who will outline some of the pitfalls as well as the advantages. Start by working in physical etheric about two inches (five centimetres) away from the body. Try this out on several patients before progressing to the more subtle bodies.

8. Working off body is more powerful that its on body counterpart. It is still the patient's own vital force that you are effecting - NOT YOURS. You have to ground yourself and everything has to be done with focus and intention as with on body work.

9. If you practice body work by a recognized professional organization, then it is highly unlikely that your professional insurance will cover you for off body practice. This has to be checked out and further insurance obtained if necessary.

Next posting on etheric assessment. JRC