Monday 9 January 2012

Post surgical pain

I am now just over two weeks post surgery for my cervical spinal fusion. The anterior incision is only just healing following some complications. The pain in the neck, though, has been worse than the original problem - but it's early days and I'm feeling very well in myself. So what about the pain? It's difficult to do any self help acupuncture or acupressure on this, I hate poisoning my body with codeine etc. that have little effect and TENS machines and the like have no effect at all on what is a combination of neuropathic and post surgical pain.

What has helped is a combination of distraction therapy and trying to keep as busy as possible within the limitation of movement plus magnets! Yes - magnets! I use a large cervical collar that impregnated with small low gauss magnets. It has certainly taken the edge off the discomfort and allowed me to function. I have always been a fan of magnet therapy and have used them with the chakra energy system to good effect where I've used them with the minor chakras. Incidentally, if you are interested, the acupoints for Region One that covers the cervical spine is as follows:-
Positive magnets on KID 1 and PC 8; Negative magnets on HT 6 and KID 3. Points may be used bilaterally but one side is sufficient.