Saturday 26 May 2012

My Spine

An update on my grotty neck - I'm off to Edinburgh in 10 days time for another scan and to see the consultant neurosurgeon. Things haven't improved since my spinal fusion last December. I'm unsure whether I want more constructive surgery as once was enough of a traumatic experience for me. There certainly isn't any conservative treatment that will help - I have tried them all over the past 15 years or so since first being diagnosed with cervical spondylosis.

I have been asked many times as to why I haven't managed to 'cure' my own neck, especially with my own acupuncture/acupressure inventions. The simple truth is that I have given myself hundreds of treatments and spent a fortune on seeing scores of different practitioners over the years in an attempt to treat my neck. I did NOT undertake surgery lightly and will always maintain that surgery should always be a last resort.

I am absolutely no different to any other patient in requiring the cause of a condition to be addressed, and not just trying to ease the symptoms. I was born with a roto-scoliosis of the mid thoracic spine. This has given me many different symptoms that has affected other parts of the spine as well as the internal organs and the autonomic nervous system. My thoracic spine has improved on what it was when I was in my twenties (thanks to treatment from my wife) and the curvature is not so pronounced although it has left me with an instability. However, fifteen years ago the cervical spine started to show signs of a compensatory curvature, that has eventually given me the compression and arthritic changes that I have today. So, I know what the cause is, but sadly, this cannot be cured.

All of this has naturally given me an interest in the spine, and in particular how various spinal anomalies can cause non spinal conditions. Several years ago I started to run workshops called 'The Holistic Spine'. This resulted in a poster being produced and later this year I am finally embarking on writing a book on the topic.  So its not all bad news then!!

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Constitutional Types

Carrying on with basic Naturopathy today I shall discuss archetypes or Constitutional Typing. There are several ways of differentiating a person's type. The anatomist or kinesiologist would use the body somatyping of mesomorph, ectomorph or endomorph to be able to deduce a person's capabilities, strengths and weaknesses from it.The classically trained homoeopath would use the archetypes that Hahnemann pioneered, namely the Miasmitic concept of disease. Briefly this means that we are all born with certain hereditary weaknesses that represent a disease taint handed down to us from our forebears. The Ayurvedic practitioner would archetype using the Ida (Deep or Organic) and Pingala (Superficial and non-organic) strengths and weaknesses. In a similar way the TCM practitioner would classify the person's strengths and weaknesses in terms of Yin and Yang complementary aspect of Chi of individual organs that form the Elements. The following is a very brief summary of what to look for with body language, speech and emotional imbalance - remembering that a high percentage of our disease stems from psychosomatic origins. I have included dreams, but these can be subjective and many practitioners just simply don't like to quiz about them.

Liver and Gall Bladder imbalance (Wood Element) - Tendency to stoop and have round shoulders, shuffle. They speak with a drawl or whining tone that can be very irritating. Emotionally they are angry, irritable and indifferent towards others. They dream of violence.

Heart, Small Bowel, Pericardium and Triple Energizer imbalance (Fire Element) - Tendency to gabble and chatter. Get anxious and agitated. They are noisy and curious. They may be giggly and very shy. Dream of laughter, being shut in or exposed.

Kidney and Bladder imbalance (Water Element) - Rigid spines and tend to shuffle. Tend to be 'weak' people. Insecurity and diffidence. Have extreme fear and phobias. Dream of drowning and water.

Lung and Large Bowel imbalance (Metal Element) - Boisterous and heavy. Very forward and sit on the front of their seats when interviewed. Can be shy and suppress emotions. They cry a lot but need to be alone to do this. Dream of sadness, also flying and singing.

Spleen and Stomach imbalance (Earth Element) - Have a tendency to put on weight or lose weight rapidly. They have dark secrets and can be fearful, anxious or depressed. Cannot express themselves readily. Dream of food and fasting.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Hippocrates and Vital Force

A few of you have commented on me mentioning Hippocrates in the last blog and asked me what else he said - their in lies a book!! He allegedly said the following:-
  • Only nature can heal providing it is given the opportunity to do so.
  • Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food
  • Disease is an expression of purification
  • Symptoms are a signal - not the disease itself
  • Do not suppress symptoms
He also called VITAL FORCE -Vis Medicatrix Naturae

So what did he mean by this phrase and what is vital force. The acceptance of vital force is, of course, the cornerstone of anyone who works in healing, complementary medicine and naturopathy. All living things are made up of energy or vital force and that dis-ease occurs because of an imbalance of vital force either within or without. Without this fundamental precept all else is meaningless. With it - the true nature of disease becomes clear. If we introduce any kind of un natural, perverse or altered states into our system, dis-ease will ensue. The science of quantum physics has made huge strides lately into giving some scientific credence to the existence of vital force. Scientific or allopathic medicine is based upon reductionism, as opposed to vitalism in natural medicine.

Over 2500 years ago Pythagorus called this energy Pneuma. He said that is came from a central fire in the universe and provided man with his immortal soul. Hippocrates, as we know called it Medicatrix Naturae. Paracelsus b. 1493 believed in a healing energy that radiated within and around man like a luminous sphere. He called this force Archaeus and said that it could operate at a distance and was able to both cause and cure disease. He was the founder of magnetic healing. Much of Samuel Hahnemann's work in homoeopathy was based on the philosophy of Paracelsus. Mesmer (1733-1815) was convinced like Paracelsus that humans were influenced by a subtle force or energy field in the universe that could be harnessed for healing purposes. He called this energy Animal Magnetism. He pioneered the science of mesmerism which was later called hypnotism. Baron Von Reichenberg called this energy Odic Force or Od from the Norse god Odin. D.D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic called it Innate. Traditional Chinese medicine calls it Chi or Ki, Traditional Ayurvedic medicine calls it Prana and so on and so on. There is nothing new under the sun. I am more than confident that one day the scientific network will embrace this philosophy. JRC

Monday 7 May 2012

Naturopathy -the Basics (3)

It was probably Hippocrates who was the first physician to say that symptoms are like golden pearls of information that are to be used to find out the true cause of a condition. Symptoms are merely the patient's expression - they are like a flag being waived in the practitioner's direction saying' this is what my body is attempting to express, but please find the cause'. Symptoms should never be suppressed with chemical drugs or such like. We have to take the whole person into account with our treatments. We are not just jumble of dissimilar organs and tissues that require a different medical approach for each - instead we are a wonderful blend of togetherness! If one part of the body starts to fail, in time it will cause others to fail. This topic of holism is nicely answered in many of the fixed laws and principles of traditional medicine such as the 'Mother -Son' and the 'Five Transformations (Elements)'.

Constantine Hering (1800-1880) spent his life examining the human body and he gave us 3 laws of cure. He states that when patients are treated with natural methods, cure takes place in certain directions - from above downwards, from the internal towards the external and that during cure symptoms appear in  areverse order than they did with the formation of disease. Quite simply he was saying that when a patient is being treated with naturopathic methodology (fasting, homoeopathy, herbs, acupuncture, reflexology, healing etc.) he/she takes the opportunity to self heal and do it in specific ways according to the laws. An example of 'top to bottom' would be the migraine headache that eases with correct treatment only to present an upper dorsal tension which, in turn, gives way to low back pain. An example of the 'interio-exterior' law would be the asthma that eases with correct treatment only to give way to eczema on the skin. The asthma may have been caused originally by applying suppressive treatment to the ezcema (cortizone based ointments for example). The return of symptoms, as outlined in the third law may be transient or long lasting. They are often called the 'healing crisis' and are simple the person's self healing vital force attempting to produce homoeostasis within. This so called 'unitary' theory has stemmed from the 3rd law. It states that dis-ease is a force (of energy) that proceeds from organ to organ and from system to system throughout our lives, always getting deeper and producing a more chronic symptom picture. When self healing commences, the patient's healing energy is called into action and the symptoms re-appear and proceed from the deep towards the superficial. This is often why when, after a couple of treatment sessions, a patient will remark that they feel better within even though symptomatically they may be the same.

Next time - What is Vital Force!!!