Monday 19 December 2011


I usually get my inspiration moments whilst standing in the shower - must be the hot water affecting the brain! This time it occurred whilst treating a patient who had a working knowledge of homeopathy. I was treating her with acupressure and whilst sedating her CON 17 acupoint (for her tension), suddenly told her that this was the 'Aconite' point. Aconite is a remedy that is used when you are anxious, restless or frightened and mimics the action of CON 17. It got me thinking that most, if not all, of the main acupoints must have a homeopathic 'equivalent'. Knowledge of these two would make a wonderful self help duo. So, in the new year, and when I have completed the Light Touch Reflextherapy book (not long to go), I shall write a booklet on this subject which will be aimed at the lay person. I shall probably self publish.
Back in the 1980's one of the many zany ideas around then was to inject the tincture of a homeopathic remedy into an acupoint that, presumably, resonated at a similar frequency. It was called 'Homeopuncture' . I think it soon lost favour as it didn't seem to work - my idea has nothing to do with this.
Before I get correspondence on this matter - yes I know that the UK spelling is 'homoeopathy' and the USA spelling is 'homeopathy'. It is, though, a matter of choice and the American spelling is more accepted. Have a great Christmas and New Year. JRC

Thursday 8 December 2011

Be careful what you wish for!!!

I have just heard that the surgery on my grotty neck is on 22 December. I have to make my way down to Edinburgh the day before. A taxi has already been booked for the 6 hour journey back to Skye on Christmas Eve - there is no other way of getting home. It has taken 6 months since having the consultation with the neurosurgeon - I am not in the least bothered that it will be around Christmas. This will give me a couple of months recovery time before starting my Spring 2012 teaching schedule in March and April.
It may seem strange that someone like me who has practice complementary medicine and physiotherapy for over 40 years should be so pleased by the prospect of surgery. The simple answer is that I have tried every type of conservative treatment known to man and the arthritic changes in the neck are so bad now that surgery is the only answer. I shall, of course, be taking my arnica with me Next blog very soon but thought I'd better get this one of my chest. As I write this we are being buffeted with storm force winds and snow is blizzards forecast for the next couple of day. Fingers cross the bad weather eases up by Christmas. JRC