Tuesday 23 July 2013

Medical dowsing

At last April's annual conference of ACPEM I gave a talk and workshop on the various aspects of medical dowsing. It included dowsing with a pendulum, fingers and hands and discussed how one could detect allergies and sensitivities as well as being able to analyse and treat medical conditions. Many years ago in the early 1980's my wife and I practised radionics (black boxes) and also used to make up homoeopathic remedies using a vibration synthesiser. I only used the dowsing faculty if I couldn't diagnose or analyse imbalances in any other way. I pioneered many types of patient analysis methods using dowsing and still teach these today. One thing I am very proud of is the analysis chart I have produced that enables the practitioner to analyse much easier than the long winded ways we used to.

Since retiring from clinical work because of cervical spondylosis and resultant surgery - I have had more time to devote to this art and have already done distance analysis and healing on several clients - with very good results. Full details of how you can take advantage of this are on my web site. It has also been suggested that a book on the whole topic would be one that would fill a gap in the market. There are very many 'wishy-washy' books on dowsing but not one that discusses how to use it in medicine. I well remember the great works of David Tansley - he pioneered many aspects of radionics and its use with the subtle body. I just need the services of a publisher who is willing to take the plunge! Let me know if you think this is a viable proposition.

PS We are now enjoying? hot and sultry weather in the northwest highlands - please go back down south!!

Monday 15 July 2013

Catch up

Sorry about lack of recent posts and apologies to the scores of you who have logged on to see the latest pearls of wisdom . This is the time of maximum growth in the garden and croft and most of my spare time is spent outside. We are in the throws of building a polytunnel and the land that surrounds it has to be landscaped. I just need the 26th hour in the day.

Good news on the workshop/seminar front. The Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP) have agreed to organize some seminars for me in the UK from this autumn and to award CPD points. This will save me quite a few headaches. The first one is in Calne, Wiltshire on 20-22 September (3 days) and is to be on 'Clinical Acupressure in Musculo-Skeletal Conditions'. I am also hoping to get some more in clinical acupressure off the ground. These will be 2 day workshops in Neurology, Oncology and Stress related conditions. I need to present them to the education committee for ratification and approval. Full details of these are on my web site www.johncrossclinics.com

There is a possibility of me going over the pond to western Canada to the vicinity of Calgary in April/May 2014 to run two or three seminars. Negotiations are still at an early stage.

Whilst the remainder of the UK is roasting in 30 degrees of heat - we in the Hebrides are a little cooler at 15 and cloudy. I know where I would rather be. Catch up some more very soon. Let me know of any issue you would like me to cover. Be good - John