Sunday 16 May 2010

Etheric Body Treatment

Weather slightly better now!!

So, armed with the information you've gleaned with the etheric assessment, how do you start treatment withing the etheric body? There are basically two different ways.

1. If, on assessment, there was a 'hot spot' that indicated an acute condition, then all you need do is to keep the hand or finger directed exactly on the hot spot for as long as the sensation changes. Your hand will suddenly go cooler or the tissues appear to relax. The pain that the patient is feeling usually disperses.

2. If, on assessment, there was a coldness or 'fizzing', that indicated a chronic condition, place the 'doing' hand in the position as detailed above and give some gentle circular motions to try and 'stir' the etheric energy at that point. Once that has been done for a minute or so, place the other hand over the 'couple' of the first one. This is the most complicated part to do as it is so variable. If you are balancing a major chakra, then the couple will be the chakra couple. If you are not on an obvious chakra or acupoint then the coupled area will be either the exact same position on the opposite side of the body e.g. left elbow and right elbow OR the parallel area e.g. shoulder to hip, elbow to knee, hand to foot etc. The treatment is completed when the sensation under the hands feels the same. For more details -etheric healing is detailed in the 'Healing with the Chakra Energy System' book. Next time - Emotional body.

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