Sunday 3 January 2010


We are still snowed in here, but at least we have power, water and heat - who needs food anyway? We shall try and get out to the local shop on Tuesday. Today's blog is the first of many over the next few weeks on Bodywork. Most of my students reading this blog will immediately know what I mean by F I.

I introduce the topic as 'IF' and all you have to do to remember this pneumonic is to know that it is Rudyard Kipling's best known poem (and reverse it)! F and I represents the essential costituents of how ALL therapists should approach the treatment of their clients and patients - without exception!!! F stands for FOCUS. Before you even lay a hand on the client, you have to focus on THEM and THEM ALONE. Do not let your mind wander to anything else. The person on your couch is trusting you that you will do your best to help them - they demand your concentration and total mind set. They are paying you a great privilege that they are willing to come and see you in the first place! (Mind set and pre treatment regimen will be covered next time). If it is their knee you are working on then the focus has to be on their knee, if it is the back, then the focus is on the back....

I stands for INTENTION. This is required in all subtle bodywork procedures such as reflexology, acupressure, cranio-sacral therapy, chakra balancing etc. When you are in your comfortable set position with total focus on where you are, the INTENTION is what you are hoping to achieve in that particular part of the treatment session. This is achieved by silent thought! Please remember that THOUGHT IS ENERGY and that ENERGY FOLLOWS THOUGHT. There some therapists who do not think that this is important and that we can achieve all we want to do without positive and specific thought - I do not agree!! Not only do I need all the help I can get but I KNOW after 40 years of practice that without intention the results are not as positive or as dramatic. If you are trying to 'energy balance' between two points, as well as placing your hands or fingers on the patient, it is imperative to visualize the flow of chi (or whatever you perceive the vital force to be) between your hands or fingers. If you are treating a client with reflexology, it really helps to visualize your intentions at each stage of the procedure.

This knowledge is FUNDAMENTAL and ESSENTIAL. Never try and take short cuts, except in certain situations or emergencies.

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