Saturday 5 December 2009

London buses

You've heard the one about waiting for London buses - none come for ages , then 3 all at once. It's a bit like that here in Skye with workmen -(see an earlier blog on Skye Workforce). One day last week we had one guy laying our new track in white Skye marble, another putting caps on four chimneys that were redundant and another building me a new door for the byre. Andrea was very busy making tea and coffee (with biscuits) all day. We have been wanting a top surface of a few centimetres for our 250 metre long track for over a year as it was down to bedrock in several places and had dirty great potholes that filled up with water when it rained. It looks so good now that it ressembles a ski slope! Following our newly installed oil central heating there was no need to keep chimneys open to the elements, apart from one in the sitting room where a coal/wood fire is laid when it gets very cold. The byre door has been falling apart for the past 8 years. I hope to complete the painting of that in slow time.

The metal staples were removed yesterday and the clinic gave me an 'I was brave visiting the doctor today' sticky label for all to see! It is very early days but I am cautiously optimistic that the surgery will be a success - it is still mega painful but I had been warned that it would be so am not that perturbed.

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