One day in the early 1960's when Peter Higgs was out walking in the Scottish Highlands he had a 'eureka' moment. He, and many other physicists of the time, had wondered if the acceptable atomic model of the time was just plain wrong! What was it that caused the other particle to gell? What was it that formed the matrix or the fascia -if you will- of the universe to allow every other type of particle to function in a coherent and 'ordered' way? He formulated that there had to be another particle that was, at the time, impossible to detect with 1960's technology. He was ridiculed by many of his peers and several articles that he wrote on his hypothesis were refused publication in the scientific journals.
The announcement this week that, at last, physicists believe that this elusive particle had possibly been located has brought huge ramifications to everyone interested in life, the universe and everything. This particle that is infitessimally small is located everywhere! It pervades the whole of the universe, therefore pervades every living organism including you and me. It has been coined the 'God' particle - this is actally a misnoma that is based on the fact that hundreds of physicists had called it the 'goddam' particle that couldn't be isolated. I just wonder though whether that which Peter Higgs dared to suggest to the scientific community in the 1960's had already been shouted from the rooftops by other philosophers down the ages such as Hippocrates, Paracelsus, von Reichenberg, Hanneman to name a few. I believe that what we have always believed to be the universal energy that has its own innate intelligence is exactly what has now been scientifically proved to exist. I believe it to be the 'Field' and the universal ether. I also believe that as scientists carry out further experiments using this new found knowledge, they will finally prove the existence of the energy field that we call prana, chi, ki or whatever other name you want to give to vital force. We are living in wondrous times!!
Saturday, 7 July 2012
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