Thursday 10 November 2011

The remarkable EAR

As well as being important when it comes to both hearing and balance, the ear has the most remarkable energy medicine attributes. Acupuncturists have known for a couple of millenia that it is possible to treat very many medical conditions through the ear (auriculotherapy). The body as a whole may be reflected in the ear as the classical inverted foetus. In the past 30 years certain points withing the body of the outer ear have been used in the treatment of many different types of sensitivities, allergic responses, cravings and desires. Examples include helping clients to stop smoking or to try and lose weight by helping the craving to nicotine and food. It is said that there is a direct link between the ear and the hypothalamus, which is the area of the brain that is involved with desires and cravings. This mostly uses electro-acupuncture, although it is possible to help cravings by placing tiny press stud needles in the ear.
The outer ear is, of course, also used in acupressure and body work. One of the ways that clients may begin to reduce their hypertension (high blood pressure) is by literally pulling the ear. I know it sounds crazy, but it works fantastically. They must be relaxed in a chair or lying down. Get them to GENTLY but firmly to pull down on the lobe (pinna) for about two minutes, three times a day. This procedure may be done independently or as part of a meditation session. It will take several days/ a few weeks to reduce the hypertension, but having taught this technique for several years, I can thoroughly recommend it as a 'natural' way of doing this. Have fun - JRC

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