Thursday 3 February 2011

Powerful acupoints - Introduction

I thought I would do a series of postings on the use of powerful energy reflex and acupoints (I personally feel that these two are synonymous) that will help the body worker, physiotherapist, reflex therapist etc. augment their work.

Firstly what do we mean by powerful points. I guess you can define them as being points with the following attributes:-
  1. They are used often in everyday therapy
  2. They have several uses and may be used to effect more than one system i.e. musculo-skeletal, organic, emotional etc.
  3. Although they may be augmented with using other points, they are generally 'stand alone' points.
  4. In my latest book on 'A Concise book of Acupoints' I have given each of these powerful points a 5* rating.
  5. They may be used with pressure, massage, needle, moxa, magnets, colour or any other way to effect their energetic potential.
  6. They are generally utilized as major and minor chakra points, although there are some exceptions

We shall kick off in the next blog by describing GOV 2.

I am now diving for cover as we are about to experience storm force winds for the next 24 hours.

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