Monday, 16 May 2011


How can it be the middle of May already? Unlike most of the UK, we have had constant rain for several days. Everything is very green and wet (and long) but there is nothing that can be done. Taking a break from important acupoints to give you an update.
Workshops:- I am taking a break this Spring and Summer so I can finish the LTR book and try and get a publisher for it. But this Autumn may be busy. I am off to Birmingham next month to look at a conference centre which, as well as being conveniently positioned to main line railway stations, motorways and Birmingham airport, it is only 15 minutes away from my son's home. If it is any good it could become well used over the next few years. I have also been asked to give workshops in Edinburgh, Lincoln, Italy (Tuscany) and possibly Canada. Details on the web site when I know them.
Posters:- To accompany the LTR book I am in the process of drawing an A1 poster. This should sell well with reflexologists and those who attend my workshops and will represent an 'aide -de-memoir' when treating their clients with this form of reflexology. Later in the year I am hoping to produce a poster on 'Chakrapuncture'. This will accompany the orange book on acupuncture.
Chakrapuncture:- There is now a new web site called that has been brilliantly done by Michel Hamilton of France. Considering that English is not his first language he has made a wonderful effort. It goes into detail about the relationship of the chakras to acupuncture, based on my orange book and is soon to include software that will detail the many relationships of the major and minor chakras. He has also managed to get a publisher for this French translation of the book and finally has got permission from North Atlantic Books. WELL DONE MICHEL!!!
More anon - JRC

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