Sunday, 7 November 2010

Coventry and the ageing process

This week I have been telling my patients that my wife is finally sending me to Coventry. For my non UK readers, this is an expression meaning that you are being ignored! Seriously though, I was due to travel to Coventry in the west midlands to attend a physiotherapy meeting and practical workshop where I was to due to meet up with a few people in my role as Chairman of ACPEM (physiotherapists in energy medicine). Either due to working too hard treating folks or extra gardening, the cervical spondylosis had become so bad that the thought of riding on public transport (especially buses) to get there was not at all appealing. So I sent my apologies and stayed home. It could be over £200 down the river as all flights etc. had to be up-fronted. I may grovel to our treasurer - he's a really NICE man. Apparently I didn't miss much in any case and the wind is blowing into a storm force, with the Skye bridge in danger of being closed so it may be a blessing in disguise that I didn't go.
So it's a check X-ray and a possible visit down to Newcastle to my neurosurgeon to see where we go from here. One thing that I am constantly being told by friends is that I have the skills to help others but not apparently myself! I can see where they are coming from when they say this, but I did not have much say in the matter. I was born with a roto-scoliosis of the thoracic spine which has become both unstable and arthritic - this, in turn has affected the neck due to an alteration in the weight bearing line. So I have to grin and bear it - and try and grow old(er) gracefully. Andrea is always getting on at me to do less - I might start listening for once!!!

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