Sunday, 25 April 2010

Intuition and the Heart

I had an eventful time last week. Because of the volcano ash I was forced to take the train all the way to Tring via London, but did manage to fly back from Manchester to Inverness once flying had re-commenced. Easy jet do not make it easy to try and collect any refunds!! The weather here today is awful - very different to the rest of the country which is bathed in sunshine, but in Skye it is wet, cold and miserable - so whats new you ask.

I am often asked by my students and colleagues if I treated my patients intuitively. The simple answer to a very complicated question is - yes. Intuition though comes with experience!! For the practitioner to be intuitive there has to be good knowledge base to back up the intuitive process. Intuition does NOT though come from the 'gut' - as in 'gut feeling'. It is derived from the Heart chakra. I have found over many years that when there is empathy and 'love' for the patient, intuition becomes much more 'natural'. Please do not confuse this with taking the patient's symptoms 'on board' - this is a very dangerous thing to do. Compassion and empathy has to be tempered by staying aloof - not always easy to do. As I have stated many times before, you never utilise your own vital force in any therapy. The Heart chakra represents the very 'centre' or 'heart' of the person and any analysis treatment administered via the Heart chakra is truly 'heartfelt' . The Heart chakra resonates at 7.86 hertz (cps) that is exactly the same as the mean vibration of the earth (Scheurmann's resonance), so it represents a much more natural way to analyse. Using the heart in this way will enable you to pick up the vibrational nuances that your patient is attempting to portray at the consultation. During my last w/e workshop in Aylesbury I covered this way of analysis on the Sunday morning. It was astonishing how many times that people got the answers right when 'silent' questions were asked, just by using love and empathy via the Heart centre.

I apologise about the continued inability to produce diagrams in the postings and until I can I shall write about topics that do not require visual aids. I shall cover some aspects of etheric healing next blog.

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