Wednesday 19 September 2012

Surgery - Part Three

So what can we do about the negative affects of scar tissue? There are two main ways of effecting a better energetic flow through the scar tissue, with bodywork, to enable the commencement of self healing to take place. One is acupressure and the other is deep massage. Today I'll mention acupressure.

If scar tissue occludes the flow of energy either through one of the classical meridian lines OR in non meridian locations that may give trouble elsewhere in the body, it is obvious that we need to recreate a natural flow of chi once again to the region that has been affected. Scar tissue isn't always apparent on the skin - just take the example I gave in the last blog, so initially you have to gently feel around locally to find any tender or acute points. With some oil on the fingers start with some finger tip acupressure to all the tender points around the affected region. Do not initially put any undue pressure to the area as you client is very likely to hover above the couch - try and get your fingers to get progressively deeper in that you can tell, after a couple of minutes, that the area is more energized and hyperaemic. The second stage of the treatment with acupressure is stimulate energy flow through the lesion (scarring). For this you must know which meridian has bee affected. Place one middle finger tip on a proximal point of that meridian and the other middle finger tip on a distal point. In the case of the last blog, I placed the left middle finger on KI 23 (by the clavicle) and the right middle finger on KI 3 (by the medial malleolus). Initiate the flow by doing some gentle massage on the points and then just hold the two points for anything up to 3 minutes. You (and your client) usually feel a nice warm flow. In all cases of energy balancing you have to achieve a 'oneness' between the two fingers and a similar sensation under them. If the scarring is really deep it may take a couple of sessions or you will have to do some massage as well - next blog. Stay well and hope you are enjoying a late Summer - JRC

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